SNK: Your Employer Branding Agency in Munich
Quick successes on a strategic path
In the digital now, candidates form their own picture of your company in a very short time. Strategic employer branding has gone from being a nice-to-have to an absolute must-have - even for B2B companies. Our approach to strategy, planning and implementation is designed for the long term, but also aims for quick success: How can we sharpen existing strengths, present them better and make them tangible within the candidate journey?

Employer branding strategy
In the strategy phase, we lay the foundations for collaboration. In a joint strategy workshop, we develop an actual status and target definition: Where does your employer brand stand today and what do you want to achieve? How do you want to position yourself as an employer? What are your strengths? The most important question, however, is: Why? Why does the company actually exist? Why should your employees get up in the morning? Beyond a sense of duty and salary. This motivation, the "Purpose", should be the core of the employer branding strategy.

Employee Value Proposition
The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) positions and differentiates your brand on the labor market. It creates orientation and shows what applicants can expect. And it does so as clearly, emotionally and convincingly as possible. A good EVP is conceived from the inside out. Only what is really lived can be authentically communicated to the outside world. This is not about hard facts such as salary, but about topics such as purpose, corporate culture and values. At team level, the working atmosphere and professional and personal development are particularly relevant. The EVP forms the basis for all employer branding measures.

Employer Brand Storytelling Framework
The Employer Brand Storytelling Framework brings structure to your employee and recruiting communications: What do you want to tell whom? And how? What evidence do you have?
We define the personas with you and formulate the most important communication modules for the various addressees. Because it makes a big difference in approach and argumentation whether you communicate with software developers or sales staff. The result is a kit that combines emotional storytelling with rational argumentation. This gives you everything you need for your employer branding measures.