SAP Galaxy VR Showcase
Data visualization with virtual reality
The task
Bar charts and 2D were yesterday. We make data tangible in the truest sense of the word.
For our long-time client SAP Hybris Labs, our creative team went to a 3D galaxy to demonstrate how data for sales and marketing can be displayed virtually and in 3D at the Global SAP CX Summit.

About the Galaxy VR project
SAP CX Labs' Galaxy Virtual Reality project addresses the exciting task of using Big Data and real-time data in a new dimension that is not only more intuitive, but also more targeted.
Visualization and three-dimensional representation of data sets are intended to show companies new ways of understanding mass data and making the best possible use of it. And this in a form of presentation that is perceived by people as more natural and pleasant compared to 2D.

Touchpoint & Cluster Design
What does user experience design look like in 3-dimensional space?
In order to make profile data readable and display thousands of profiles, our design team worked with 3D models in virtual space as early as the conception phase. Display forms and controls were visualized with the help of special software. The clear focus in the GalaxyVR project was to present the data in such a way that it could be easily and intuitively understood. For this purpose, we developed a number of behavioral patterns, such as "oscillating" and "pulsating" clusters. This way, individual profiles can even "call" for attention by immediately drawing the eye.

A look into the future
VR in sales and e-commerce
The three-dimensional representation of data could enter the everyday life of sales and marketing departments in the not too distant future. Equipped with VR glasses, a team meeting could begin by logging into GalaxyVR and projecting the current status of customer data into virtual space. Customer profiles where there are discernible breaks in the customer journey, for example, can be captured at a glance. Sales staff or online retailers can thus take countermeasures in real time - be it with targeted marketing campaigns or personal customer contact in B2B sales.